Good Citizen Companion Board and Train Boot camp
Leave the puppy or young dog that you already own with us, we will do the training for you in our home and kennel! This training program is only available when we are not too busy with training our own Versatile or Ultimate Companion puppies.
This program covers basic commands needed to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizenship test which involves thorough socialization and training in environments with tempting distractions. (Check out you tube videos of AKC Canine Good Citizenship Test.) It does not involve off leash training like the Versatile Companion program; Pups are taken in public a few times for distraction training and socialization. Many pups will be ready for you to take to an AKC Canine Good Citizenship test upon completion.
While we can make some improvement with obedience with all puppies and dogs, we cannot guarantee results with board and trains. A variety of factors come into plaly with board and trains: the breed, if/how/what was the breeder's plan with the breeding, previous habits practiced, age of dog, etc. all influence training. For example - Rescues are wonderful but often were given up by someone else because they couldn't handle certain behaviors.
This program is approximately 5-7 weeks. We attempt to have commands competent level with distractions, this is not always possibly with every dog, but their behavior will have improved. It is designed to teach your existing puppy or young dog everything it must know to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizenship test. You will receive a 1 hour training session on how to handle trained puppy and keep it's attention focused on owner rather than on distractions.
Your existing puppy will be taught to pay attention to handler so that it can:
Heel on leash without pulling, including following the handler when turning left and right.
Allow a stranger to pet while puppy stays in a sit position. Puppy will not get up, jump, or bark when the stranger approaches or while it is being petted.
Sit automatically when handler stops walking
Sit and down
Sit and stay
Down and stay
Come directly into front center of handler when called from 6 feet away in a controlled inside environment
Heel and sit by handler's side while a stranger with a strange dog stops to talk to handler. With owners help, puppy will not pull toward the strange dog, sniff or bark at the other dog.
With owner's proper handling, walk politely through a crowd without jumping up on the people or sniffing excessively at humans in the crowd.
With owner at its side keeping its attention, let a stranger examine its paws, ears, and groom it without becoming scared or aggressive.
Let a stranger hold its leash while the handler disappears without becoming scared or aggressive.
With owners assistance, behave politely when someone on crutches comes near it.
Behave politely when something loud such as a clip board is dropped near it.
In addition to the AKC CGC requirements, puppy will be taught:
'Place' where it stays on a mat for up to an hour with handler in sight.
Crate trained
Potty training initiated with use of the bell, making it easier to potty train to your home, relieves self with command "potty" (Puppy should not potty in your home if our instructions are followed)
'Free' as release word
'Off" no jumping on people or furniture
'No' and stop inappropriate behavior including reducing mouthiness
'leave it' ignore something
"Here" off leash without minimal distractions
This program includes training and socializing out in public at pet stores, at parks, in parking lots, around other dogs, etc. so that with owner's assistance, puppy's obedience is dependable in the presence of tempting distractions. The program lasts approximately 5-7 weeks. After training, most puppies will be ready for you to take to an AKC CGC evaluator to earn the AKC CGC title. Please note, Ganderwood no longer is able to CGC test puppies as part of the program. (This program does not include off leash work, adventure or versatile dog training or therapy work as in the versatile companion program). Program includes feeding Kirkland's Chicken, Rice, and Vegetable, training, boarding. Any needed vet care is additional. Your existing puppy must be evaluated and approved by Ganderwood before being accepted to the program.
Price: $2,200 total, 1/2 due on drop off, 1/2 due at pick up.